01372 747 719

Post-natal Pilates

Taught by a specialist women’s health Chartered Physiotherapist

Following your New Mum MOT you are welcome to sign up for a course of 5 post-natal Pilates classes. There are 2 options: post-natal mat Pilates classes for up to 6 ladies or post-natal reformer Pilates classes for up to 4 ladies taught by Faye Burge, a Chartered Physiotherapist who is also a trained Pilates Instructor with specialist post-natal Pilates training. This means that following your New Mum MOT Faye has a full understanding of any medical conditions you may have and can assist you to recover from the effects of pregnancy and the delivery of your baby. Faye is fully qualified to help you to reach your full potential in Pilates while understanding the exercises to modify to suit your medical conditions.

New Mum MOT by a specialist women’s health Chartered Physiotherapist

The New mum MOT is a specialist assessment 6 weeks after delivery to assess the strength and function of your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles especially looking for diastasis recti (split abdominal muscles), weak pelvic floor, scar adhesions in the episiotomy or perineal tear scar as well as any other problems with vulvodinia (vaginal pain), pelvic organ prolapse, urinary or faecal incontinence. Following the New Mum MOT you will be given a home programme of exercises specific to you. You are then welcome to sign up for a 5 week course of post-natal Pilates (either mat or reformer – see below). An internal examination may be required but you do not have to have one, although this gives Faye more information about the strength and function of your pelvic floor.

You are welcome to park in the car park, be accompanied by a relative or friend and you can bring your baby with you.

Mat Pilates Classes Advanced Spine Curls Ball

Post-natal mat Pilates classes 

Following your New Mum MOT you are welcome to sign up for a course of 5 post-natal mat Pilates classes using the following small Pilates equipment. Cost £90 (5 classes at £18).

  • Pilates balls
  • Pilates rings.
  • Pilates overballs.
  • Theraband.
  • Baby arcs.
  • Foam rollers.

Post-natal Pilates is for Mums only (a no baby class). There is no parking for Pilates classes in our car park. Please park in the surrounding roads.

Post-natal reformer Pilates classes

Following your New Mum MOT you can sign up for a course of 5 post-natal reformer Pilates classes using the following Pilates equipment. Cost £130 (5 classes at £26).

  • Physio reformer (designed by Joseph Pilates) – a bed like frame with a platform on it called the carriage, which rolls back and forth on wheels within the frame. The carriage is attached at one end by several different strengths of spring which can be used to decrease or increase the resistance making the exercise easier or harder. 
  • Pilates rings – these are used with the reformer to enhance the reformer experience.

Post-natal Pilates is for Mums only (a no baby class). There is no parking for Pilates classes in our car park. Please park in the surrounding roads.

Enquiries or Bookings

Bookings for post-natal Pilates are for a course of 5 classes with a maximum 6 in a mat class and 4 in a reformer class for maximum benefit. Payment for the course is made in advance.

Telephone 01372 747 719 for more information or to book a class or click on Pilates Sign up or Summer Pilates.