Pilates BLOG

Pilates taught by Physiotherapists
Epsom Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic produces a weekly blog during term time with valuable information for our Pilates clients to enhance their Pilates journey and learning.
The Benefits of Pilates
The PILATES theme of the week is THE BENEFITS OF PILATES: \ The Benefits of Pilates Practicing Pilates regularly has many benefits: Improved flexibility Greater strength and muscle tone More...
Joseph Pilates
The PILATES theme of the week is JOSEPH PILATES: Joseph Pilates said: “Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. It is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body as well as a sound mind, fully capable of naturally and satisfactorily...
Spinal Side Flexion (Side Bending)
The PILATES theme of the week is SPINAL SIDE FLEXION (SIDE BENDING): Following on from the last 2 themes of the week (spinal rotation and spinal flexion and extension), we are going to look at spinal side flexion (side bending). In the free video ‘Improve Your...
Spinal Flexion and Extension
The PILATES theme of the week is SPINAL FLEXION AND EXTENSION: Following on from the last theme of the week Spinal Rotation, we are going to look at spinal flexion (bending) and extension (arching). We know from the free Posture Correction in Standing video on the...
Rotation of the Spine
The PIATES theme of the week - ROTATION OF THE SPINE: This is a movement we use in some activities in daily life but we tend not to use the FULL range of movement and therefore lose range with age. Joseph Pilates said "Use it or lose it!" These are movements...
ALL 8 Principles of Pilates
The PILATES theme of the week is ALL 8 PRINCIPLES OF PILATES: The 8 Principles of Pilates: Relaxation Concentration Alignment Breathing Centring Co-ordination Flowing Movement Stamina THE SERIES OF 5 covers all 8 principles of Pilates as this series requires...
The 8 Principles of Pilates – CONCENTRATION
The PILATES theme of the week is CONCENTRATION (another of the 8 principles of Pilates): The 8 PRINCIPLES OF PILATES: Relaxation Concentration Alignment Breathing Centring Co-ordination Flowing movements Stamina Pilates requires concentration which...
The 8 Principles of Pilates – ALIGNMENT
Pilates PILATES theme of the week is ALIGNMENT (the second of the 8 principles of Pilates) The 8 PRINCIPLES OF PILATES: Relaxation Concentration Alignment Breathing Centring Co-ordination Flowing movements Stamina Maintain a good spinal posture at all times - remember...
The 8 Principles of Pilates – RELAXATION
The PILATES theme of the week is The first of the 8 principles of Pilates RELAXATION: The 8 PRINCIPLES OF PILATES: Relaxation Concentration Alignment Breathing Centring Co-ordination Flowing movements Stamina The opposite to relaxation is tension and...
Practice Pilates
The PILATES theme of the week is PRACTICE PILATES: Please see the Pilates page of our website for 8 free Pilates videos from beginner to intermediate level as well as 4 equestrian Pilates videos for those of you that are horse riders:...
Pointing Your Toes
The PILATES theme of the week is POINTING YOUR TOES: Following on from the foot and ankle mobility exercises last week, it is important to learn to point your toes (feet) correctly in Pilates using the lumbrical muscles. This strengthens the arch muscles and...
Mobility of the Ankles and Feet
The PILATES theme of the week is ANKLES AND FEET: Keeping your ankles and feet supple enables you to maintain your mobility. Your ability to walk and get on and off floor is a measure of your predicted life span as well as balancing on one leg which we...
The PILATES theme of the week is BALANCE: BBC Radio 4 ‘Just One Thing - standing on one leg.’ (14 minutes) https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000w3lhStanding on one leg is a test of your balance. Your ability to stand on one leg at the age of 50 is a good...
10 Tips to Prevent Back Pain
The PILATES theme of the week is 10 TIPS TO PREVENT BACK PAIN: 1. Strengthen your core muscles daily - use one of the videos on the PILATES page of our website: https://www.epsomphysiotherapy.co.uk/pilates/ 2. Maintain a good spinal posture at all times -...
Sitting Posture
The PILATES theme of the week is SITTING POSTURE: WHAT IS SITTING CORRECTLY? In sitting you may have a tendency to slouch or perch or do both at different times. However, the healthy way to sit is with your back supported by the back of the chair. In the car...
The Pelvic Floor Muscle
The PILATES theme of the week is THE PELVIC FLOOR: Take a look at the 16 second 3D video below to show the anatomy of the pelvic floor:THE PELVIC FLOOR The pelvic floor is made up of sheets of muscle within the pelvis that run from the tail bone to the pubic...
Telephone 01372 747 719 for more information or an appointment. We will do our best to see you as soon as possible including in the evening or on Saturday. Home visits can also be made when necessary. Please check with your insurance company regarding the extent of your cover for physiotherapy treatment.
Receptionists are available to answer telephone calls
- Monday to Thursday 9am to 8pm
- Friday 9am to 6pm
- Saturday 8.30am to 1pm